Multi-Tenant Building tenants range from non-profit companies to government agencies and offer significant value for all. With quality project design, efficient construction and operations, benefits of multi-tenant buildings will be realized and shared among owners and tenants. Owner and tenant incentives include financial benefits associated with lower operating expenses such as larger energy savings. Multi-Tenant buildings reduce the total cost of occupancy for tenants while increasing the net operating income and return on investment for the building owner. Multi-Tenant buildings decrease developer/owner costs and risks associated with vacancy, decrease building obsolescence, increase retail sales and offer a competitive advantage of significant savings as well as powerful leverage in the market. The value of work that is conducted within a multi-tenant building far outstrips the cost of operating the building. Incurring a similar initial investment versus a single-tenant building, owners of multi-tenant buildings see a higher return on investment sooner, reduce negative environmental impact, and will be able to offer a more cost-competitive product to the most tenants. Multi-Tenant building construction makes good business sense in the short and long term.